Chelsea FC

Kamis, 11 Juli 2013

PES Stadium Modifier v0.1 by Panos

PES Stadium Modifier v0.1 by Panos

I present to you my new tool: PES Stadium Modifier
It’s a tool that can be used to modify some more parameters and info about the stadiums (like seat color) that wasn’t possible before.
How to use:
Open 3342.bin file from dt07.img, and PES2013.exe (currently only(?) RELOADED no-DVD exe is supported).
v0.1 – Seat color added
To Do:
Add info for locale of stadiums
Add info for unlicensed/licensed stadiums
Add ability to change used stadium shader/shadows
Known bugs:
none yet
Programming, Research: Panos
Thanks to liberostelios (stemar) for letting me use his pestools library.

* Not XP Compatible

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